Phoebe’s journey began at the age of 5. Inspired like many by something she saw and heard, in her case Wicked the musical, Phoebe began to sing. Unlike many, Phoebe kept singing and singing and singing and from the tender age of 5 made her mind up that there was only one path for her and that was to sing!
Those closest to Phoebe could see this was not just going to be a passing fancy. Nurturing a desire like Phoebes at that age can be expensive especially for some and so Phoebe was bought a second-hand guitar at the age of seven and took up lessons in Primary school.
True talent can be helped by many things including money, but extraordinary talent can never be buried or subdued. As many young ladies Phoebe’s age she discovered Taylor Swift. Inspired by her Phoebe set about learning all her songs. Excited, willing and ready to show her stuff Phoebe approached her school asking to perform at an assembly. This was to be Phoebe’s first taste of disappointment as the school would not allow her. Failure and disappointment can affect many negatively for life. It affected Phoebe for a while, but she bounced back deciding instead to write her own songs and perform them at a local music festival. That performance led to her winning best newcomer and Phoebe Austin, singer, songwriter, artists and prodigy was truly born.
Performance after performance followed, accolade after accolade was acquired and song after song was constructed. Phoebe Austin began to truly believe in herself and as that belief grew so did her talent and abilities and the ‘Sudbury Diva’ was born.
It was only a matter of time before Phoebe Austin was discovered. Rare gems like Phoebe cannot stay hidden forever. When artist manager Brandon Q W MCconnell saw and heard Phoebe Austin he knew straight away this was something special and he also knew who could cut this fine diamond.
Brandon introduced Phoebe to Stevie Eagle E, CEO of Shlepp Entertainment and the rest shall we say is and will be history. Since joining Shlepp Entertainment Phoebe has got global recognition in the press as far a field as the USA. She has one the IAA Best newcomer award, has been featured on the National news with the BBC and is now the talk of the industry.
Phoebe Austin will define music for a generation if not longer. There is simply no one like her at the moment and perhaps they will not be again as every new thing is slightly different. Her goal is simply to help young kids get a grip of their emotions through her music. She feels she can say what they can’t with her music.