Upbeat & light hearted original duo from Sunny Clacton on Sea recently showcased at the Montreux Jazz Cafe in London & featured on 6music by Tom Robinson. The duo have received high praise for their writing from the likes of BBC Essex DJ’s Veena V; Tony Fisher & Sue Marchant from BBC Radio Cambridge. They have been described as ‘melodic acoustic folk with striking lead guitar, subtle strings and blissful harmony’ by the Musician’s Union and were last year featured in Sound on Sound magazine as one of their tracks ‘Funfair’ was selected to be used for the B Sides remix competition and an Argentinian producer won most innovative mix with it. They have played live on Live London TV supported various other high profile artists such as Fiona Bevan, Ramon Goose, Oliver Daldry & Kerry Leatham. They are well known regulars on the ‘Busk in London’ circuit and play many of the artisan markets such as Depford & Limehouse. Veterans of over 1000 concerts they have appeared at most of the UK’s festivals in the 15 years as well as gaining several residencies in high profile venues across the UK. Recently they went international to play the prestigious Freight & Salvage venue in San Francisco; Nashville’s Concorde and Norway’s Glenghuset & even got a track ‘Bayonet’ played on the BBC world service. Their material has been used in several independent films & they currently have a new EP ‘Cathedral of Shadows’ out now that features Ben Gordelier on drums (from Paul Weller’s band) which has been featured on many high profile Spotify playlists including ‘Baked Sunset Vibes’.