
The New Music Generator is a weekly music show that showcases the best in local talent.

The New Music Generator (NMG) airs every Wednesday evening from 7pm hosted by Tim Willett with NMG Saturday airing every Saturday afternoon from 4pm hosted by Rebecca May. Both programmes are broadcast on Cambridge Radio and support artists from across East Anglia.

The two-hour flagship shows include the latest submissions to the programme, live sessions, interviews and previews of upcoming gigs and events.

In addition to the radio show, New Music Generator also hosts an annual awards ceremony recognising the achievements of the local scene – The NMG Awards. 2024 saw the 11th running of this event.

Tim Willett is the host of The New Music Generator radio programme on Wednesdays and creator of the brand. Tim is 38 years old and resides in Ely – working for radio as well as in live events and artist management through Off The Chart Artist Management, Tim has judged the Cambridge Band Competition and co-organises BurySOUND, he’s chaired the judging panel for the NMG Awards and programmed stages at Strawberry Fair for 12 years as well as stints involved with Cambridge Rock Festival, Homegrown Music Festival and The Big Weekend. In 2024, Tim co-founded Bandmade Merch Co to help emerging artists buy merchandise in affordable quantities.

Rebecca May is the host of NMG Saturday. She re-joins NMG after a two year stint as host of BBC Introducing in Cambridgeshire. Rebecca resides in Impington and has a passion for music flowing through her veins. She also hosts her own new music podcast titled Music in May and is a regular gig-goer across the country.